Samastha Lanka Kidney Patient's Association
English English Sinhala Sinhala
A Government registered charity approved under the Inland Revenue Act No. 24 of 2017


Donate for a Kidney Patient’s Medicines through

Donate for a Kidney Patient’s Dialysis Treatment through

Donate for Funeral Aids of Kidney Patients through

Donate for a Kidney Patients Dialysis Treatment through Daraz App

To donate one rupee through Dialog phone
Type REG <SPACE> KDN <SPACE> and SMS to 77220

To donate any amount through Mobitel Phone
Type REG <SPACE> KDN  and SMS to 2244

Donation box
Offer your donations
to our donation boxes

placed in various locations.

Our bank account 
Bank of Ceylon Regent Street Branch Account number -72698735

If you would like to
donate for our special occasion, Contact.

Submit your donations to our office at
the address below.
Samastha Lanka Kidney Patients Association,
No.23, Deshamnya H.K.Darmadasa Mawatha, Colombo 02

Inquiries -0112680051

Donate for a better future for everyone